About Us

Organized in 1914, the United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects. Our members are boating families who contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education. We enjoy participating with our fellow members on the water and in the classroom. The USPS has some 35,000 members organized into 450 squadrons across the country and in several US territories. The USPS is the world's largest nonprofit boating organization and has been honored by three US presidents for its civic contributions.

Our story began in 1955 with a piloting class taught in Bellingham by instructors from the Everett Power Squadron. Several years later Herb Hearsey was one of 12 students taking the class when he with several others formed a group that became the Bellingham Power Squadron. The America's Boating Club of Bellingham was chartered in 1959 and incorporated into District 16 as a unit of the United States Power Squadrons®. Herb Hearsey served as our first Commander. The Squadron's charter can be viewed at the Western Washington University Archives, along with many other historical photographs and records from our organization.

Click here to view bylaws.

Bell Signals

Bell Signals is published monthly (except July) by the Bellingham Sail & Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power Squadrons®. Opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect USPS policy or endorsement unless so designated.

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BSPS Mission Statement

America's Boating Club of Bellingham is dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable through education, camaraderie, and community service.

The Bridge

Cdr Bob McCarthy,
Sue Bussinger, P
Executive Officer
Lt/C Cheryl McCarthy,
Administrative Officer
Education Officer
Lt/C Maureen Ryan
Lt/C David Wilson
Sue Bussinger, P
Past Commander


Click here for a complete list of Officers and Committees.

Squadron Officers can click here to access a WebMail interface, or click here to setup a device.

Squadron forms: Membership, Event Form and Reimbursement.