Join the fun, Join
United States Power Squadrons®
Want to become more involved?
Want to take advantage of discounts?
Thinking of expanding your boating knowledge?
Even if you don't own a boat-that's OK
We welcome you to meet us and learn more about our club
Monthly Dinner Meetings
The Squadron meets at 6:00 pm on the 1st Thursday of the month*
In the Ward Room of the Bellingham Yacht Club
2625 S Harbor Loop Dr, Bellingham, WA 98225
Social time, Dinner, a short business meeting, and a presentation.
*No dinner meetings in March, June, July, August or December.
Courses · Seminars · Adventures
"I do solemnly pledge to:
Abide by the Bylaws of the United States Power Squadrons® ;
Promote high standards of navigation and seamanship;
Maintain my boat and operate it legally;
Render assistance whenever possible;
And conduct myself in a manner that will add prestige, honor, and respect to the United States Power Squadrons."
Ready to Join?
- New Single Member:
- $93.50 plus $20 one-time administrative fee ($113.50 total)
- Family:
- $140.25 plus $20 one-time administrative fee ($160.25 total)
Click here to download membership application.
Click here to renew your membership.
- Mail application along with your check to:
- Bellingham Sail & Power Squadron
c/o BSPS Membership Chairman
PO Box 30363
Bellingham, WA 98228
Membership Chair
- The above link will take you directly to the Bellingham Sail and Power Squadron File Cabinet where you will find:
- Bylaws and Rules
- Roster
- Reports
- Meeting Minutes
- non-redacted Bell Signals
- ... and much more
Additional Information: